

Your smart gargabe collection system.

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About Team

Team Name: Crazy_Wednesday

Team Member Name Email Address
Jin Qian
Yining Xia
Binsheng Zhang

The GarboLink is an advanced smart garbage collection system that integrates IoT, edge computing, and cloud computing to optimize waste management. The system is designed to monitor the trash level and odor level of garbage bins and transmit the data to the cloud. It uses Cellular to ensure seamless connectivity to cloud. The system also aims to provide route planning for garbage trucks, improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.

System Block Diagram:


1 Evolution of the IoT Venture Pitch: Key Changes Throughout the Project

1.1 Target Market & Demographics

Who will be using your product?

Who will be purchasing your product?

Where in the world (or space!) would you deploy your product?

How large is the market you’re targeting (in US dollars)?

What competitors are already in the space?

Feature Garbolink Big Belly Sensoneo
Core Monitoring Fill & odor tracking with VOC detection Fill tracking only, no odor detection Fill tracking only, no odor detection
Network Flexibility Cellular Wifi and Cellular only LoRa and Cellular, no Wifi
Power Efficiency Low-power LiPo battery for long life Solar-powered but costly maintenance Battery, no solar or low-power options
Data Efficiency Edge processing Cloud-based data processing. Include Software  
Other Features Priceless and flexible Have to buy their Trash Bin Pricy

1.2 Security, Hardware, & Software Requirements

Security Requirements Specification (SEC)


This section outlines the security requirements to ensure safe operation and data protection in the smart garbage collection system. The system must safeguard against unauthorized access, ensure data integrity, and maintain confidentiality in communication across sensors, hubs, cloud, and users.

Definitions and Abbreviations:


SEC ID Requirement Status
SEC 01 Each device shall be registered with a unique device number on its first activation. Completed: Each device is registered using a unique ID based on its SIM card information.
SEC 02 Users shall authenticate with secure credentials before accessing the cloud system. Completed: Users must log in to access the cloud system.
SEC 03 Data transmitted between devices, hubs, and the cloud shall be encrypted. Incomplete: Encryption will be added in future versions.
SEC 04 Sensitive information (e.g., location data, device IDs) shall be stored securely in the cloud. Completed: Data is stored securely on nRF Cloud and Memfault Cloud.
SEC 05 The MCU shall use secure boot to ensure only authenticated firmware can run. Completed: A bootloader is used for secure boot.
SEC 06 Firmware updates shall be signed and verified. Incomplete: Encryption will be added in future versions.
SEC 07 The system shall use NB-IoT for encrypted communication. Incomplete: Encryption will be added in future versions.
SEC 08 Unused ports shall be closed to prevent network vulnerabilities. Incomplete: This feature will be added in future versions.
SEC 09 Cloud services shall store backup data to ensure availability and avoid data loss. Incomplete: This feature will be added in future versions.
SEC 10 Sensors shall compute checksums to verify data integrity before transmission. Incomplete: This feature will be added in future versions.
SEC 11 The system shall log events such as sensor readings, resets, firmware updates, and user actions. Completed: Events are logged via terminal and cloud.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)


This section defines software requirements for the MCU, cloud, and user interfaces, covering communication protocols, data processing, and cloud integration.


Definitions and Abbreviations:


SRS ID Requirement Status
SRS 01 The MCU shall collect sensor data (e.g., garbage level and odor) at configurable intervals. Completed: Sensor data collection is functional.
SRS 02 The system shall compute garbage and odor levels locally on the MCU. Completed: Algorithms implemented based on raw data.
SRS 03 The MCU shall connect to the cloud via NB-IoT. Incomplete: Switched from NB-IoT to LTE.
SRS 04 On activation, the MCU shall register the bin with a unique device number. Incomplete: To be added in future versions.
SRS 05 The cloud shall maintain a database mapping device numbers to locations and statuses. Completed: Functional on nRF Cloud.
SRS 06 The cloud platform shall visualize bin data on a map, showing location, trash percentage, etc. Completed: Visualization functional on a webpage.
SRS 07 The system shall send alerts to workers when bins exceed fill level or odor thresholds. Completed: Alerts generated when garbage exceeds 75%.
SRS 08 The cloud platform shall compute optimal collection routes and send them to drivers. Incomplete: To be added in future versions.

Hardware Requirements Specification (HRS)


Specifies hardware components for GarboLink, including sensors, microcontrollers, communication modules, and power supplies.

Definitions and Abbreviations:


HRS ID Requirement Status
HRS 01 Use Nordic nRF9160 DK for data collection and computation. Completed: Functional with two sensors.
HRS 02 Install ultrasonic sensors on the lid to detect trash level with accuracy within 5%. Completed: Sensors functional within 0-1 meter range.
HRS 03 Use air quality sensor to measure gases like Ethanol and VOC levels up to 500 ppb. Completed: Measures temperature, humidity, gas resistance, and pressure.
HRS 04 Capture bin location with accuracy within 50 meters. Completed: Functional with accuracy of 100 meters.
HRS 05 Manage device registration via MCU and assign unique IDs. Completed: NFC tags and SIM-based IDs implemented.
HRS 06 Use NB-IoT to transmit trash and odor data to the cloud. Completed: Switched to LTE for transmission.
HRS 07 Support battery power and low-power modes for energy efficiency. Incomplete: To be added in future versions.
HRS 08 Place NFC tags near the lid to assist garbage collectors in bin identification. Completed: Functional with distinct messages for two bins.
HRS 09 Support garbage bins up to 95 gallons and 45” in height. Incomplete: Demo uses bins with height of 800mm.

1.3 Product Function & Components

Power Budget

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Hardware Costs

  Part Name Digi-Key Part Number Unit Price Current Voltage Part Link
MCU Nordic 9160 DK NRF9160-DK-ND $155.0 175.5 µA (rev1) 3.7V (rev1) NRF9160-DK
Ultrasonic sensor MB1603-000 1863-MB1603-000-ND $34.95 Worst case 3.5 mA at 5V
2.5 mA at 3.3V
/ Maxbotix MB1603-000
Air quality sensor SEN-16466 1568-SEN-16466-ND $22.50 Sleep mode: 0.15 µA
Worst case: 3.7 µA
3.3V SparkFun SEN-16466
Power 3.7V 2000mAh 103454 Lipo Amazon Source $12.99 Peak Load Current 2A 3.7V EEMB 3.7V 2000mAh 103454 Lipo
NFC 10 Pcs NFC Tags Amazon Source $7.99 X X NFC Tag

The system is going to use 1 ultrasonic sensor, one air quality sensor, and an NFC tag for each system. The total hardware cost for one system is:

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Substituting values:

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Total sensor cost:

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Software Costs

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2 Key Successes: What Went Well and Why?

3 Challenges and Lessons Learned: What Didn’t Go Well and Why?

4 Optimizing Development: Lessons for Future Approaches with Limited Time and Resourcesa

5 Refining the System: Potential Design Changes Post-Development

5.1 Was the wireless communication protocol the correct choice?

5.2 Would other sensors or actuators work better?

5.3 Did the target market want something different?

6 Additionals

6.1 MVP device


6.2 Demo Video

Watch our video on YouTube

6.3 Project Demo Day

